a:2:{s:4:"unit";s:2:"h3";s:5:"value";s:74:"Two Gold medals in Nuremberg for GPM’s Parallel-Hybrid-Coolant-Pump-System";}

From November 1-4, 2012, the 64th International Inventors Exhibition took place in Nuremberg. At the Thuringian collective booth, GPM presented their brand new Parallel-Hybrid-Coolant-Pump-System. The innovation won two awards – one gold medal from the jury of the exhibition iENA Nuremberg and an additional gold medal from the Malaysian Invention and Design Society for the best design study.
Given that the majority of new automobiles will be equipped with Start-Stop-Automatics by 2016, the R&D-Engineers from GPM Merbelsrod researched ways to optimize the thermo management of the these engines. Start-Stop-Automatics shut the engine down as well as the engine cooling when the vehicle is stopped at red traffic lights or at traffic jam. Since motor components are still hot, additional cooling is required with a reduced cooling performance. The solution of GPM as follows: At high engine performance, it cools with the proven fuel-efficient PSF-coolant pump. At low engine performance and at still stand of the engine, an innovative electrical secondary pump provides the cooling. An integrated backflow-blocking-function provides the necessary coolant flow for the given situation. At driving in the partial load operation, the small secondary pump will adjust to a higher coolant temperature. This reduces the friction in the engine, which in turn, reduces the fuel consumption. Furthermore, it will secure that the heating in the car cabin get enough hot water, if the engine stands still. The pump system will be introduced in hybrid vehicles, vehicles with Start-Stop Automatic and vehicles with combustion engines.