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From April 18 to 22, 2012 inventors from all over the world presented their innovations at the Geneva “40th International Fair of Innovations, Inventions, New Technologies and Products”.
GPM presented a coolant pump with adjustable ball valve. It is the first pump, in which a shut-off function is controlled by a pneumatically operated ball valve. The advantage is that the ball valve remains closed during cold start of the vehicle and thus heats the coolant in the engine operating temperature faster. Upon reaching of the desired temperature, the ball valve opens the pump flow to the cooling circuit.
A notable feature of the pump is it´s small weight. In the client applications, a reduction in fuel consumption of up to 3 percent can be achieved.
The Institute of Research ERiNET from Schmalkalden supported GPM for the presentation of the pump in Geneva. During the exhibition a jury of experts assessed the innovations regarding to level of novelty, usability and benefit for environment and end-consumer. The design played a central role, too. The environment-friendly and resource-efficient coolant pump was distinguished with a gold medal. Concomitant were honoured the inventors of GPMs R&D-department.