GPM is one of the best partners of the MAN Truck & Bus AG

For nearly 40 years, GPM GmbH Dr. Eugen Schmidt Merbelsrod has been a reliable supplier to MAN Truck & Bus AG.
On June 7, 2011 Bernd Maierhofer (MAN Member of the Executive Board R&D and Purchasing) and Bjoern Carlsson
(MAN Senior Vice President Central Purchasing) presented a special honor to Andreas Schmidt (GPM GmbH CEO)
in München. Along with nine other suppliers, GPM was honored with the MAN Trucknology Supplier Award 2010 as
one of the best partners of MAN Truck & Bus AG.
The Thuringian automotive supplier, whose water pumps and power take-off units are used in MAN commercial vehicles,
satisfied criteria in regards to reliability, economic efficiency, innovative design, technical competency, quality & cost
awareness and sophisticated logistics.
MAN Truck & Bus AG has more than 1000 suppliers.