Quality Improvement Award for GPM subsidiary in China

At the supplier conference of the company BFCEC in Peking in the end of November, 2011 GPM´s subsidiary GPM Automotive Pumps Suzhou Co. Ltd. was honoured with a Quality Improvement Award. The manufacturing quality as same as the product quality could significantly improved since the start of production. Honoured were the minimizing of the error rate, the fast reactions in this section as same as the onsite-support.
Further GPM Automotive Pumps Suzhou Co. Ltd. is one of the five best suppliers of BFCEC concerning to the criteria packaging and logistics.
A positive contribution achieved the production department, which could meet the best results with improvements in 5S and in the processes. Further the increased influence to the supplier quality through the quality department as same as the optimising of the final inspection at the production lines ensured successes.
The support of the responsible R&D-colleagues at the german headquarter added to fast and lasting solutions.